Donald Trump’s mood “darkens” as he realizes he’s going to lose and his allies abandon him

With Donald Trump creeping ever closer to losing the 2020 election, and his behavior is continuing to become more shameful, we’ve already seen some of his allies publicly call him out for it. Chris Christie and Rick Santorum both went on TV and criticized Trump for falsely declaring victory last night, for instance.

It turns out Trump’s allies are also turning against him behind the scenes. CNN’s Jim Acosta just reported on air that because Trump is taking such indefensible positions as falsely declaring victory in states he hasn’t won, he’s now “bleeding GOP support.” As this plays out, Trump’s mood “darkens.”

In other words, the House and Senate Republicans who have survived the 2020 election are now planning to selfishly stand by and let him sink, instead of risking their own viability by going along with his embarrassing antics, which are likely to backfire on him in the court of public opinion.

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