What Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon are really up to

By all accounts, Donald Trump’s effort to “contest” the election is being run by Rudy Giuliani on the front end and Steve Bannon on the back end. It’s not a coincidence that these two guys are leading the last ditch charge on this. Bannon has been arrested and is awaiting trial. CNN reported last night that the FBI is targeting Giuliani.

Bannon and Giuliani are both desperate for Trump to pardon them on his way out the door, and they’re both willing to humiliate themselves just to buy Trump a bit more time so he can keep up the ruse that he’s contesting the election and keep fundraising on it. If Trump thought he could actually somehow overturn the election, he’d have picked competent villains. Instead he picked these two stooges for their willingness to take pies to the face as a distraction while he makes one last cash grab.

– Remember not too long ago when Donald Trump Jr. said coronavirus was over? Now he has coronavirus. It’s a reminder that you can’t make yourself immune to a pandemic just by calling it a hoax. Though in Junior’s case, he’s so lost in a haze of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, he probably still thinks it’s a hoax even now that he has it.

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