Donald Trump vetoes military budget as his petty tantrums grow out of control

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Trump just vetoed the U.S. military budget. Congress will override his veto, as evidenced by the veto-proof number of votes the budget got to begin with. So he’s throwing a tantrum for nothing. But don’t ever forget that Trump just tried to defund the military.

Speaking of tantrums, Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is saying this afternoon that he’ll refuse to allow Speaker Nancy Pelosi to approve $2000 stimulus relief checks by unanimous consent. So even though Trump demanded last night that $2000 checks be issued, he hasn’t given his puppet McCarthy approval to help make it happen.

What is Trump’s game here? No one knows. He just seems to be trying to stir up whatever minor trouble he thinks he can still get away with, as he becomes more hobbled and powerless. His reach has grown so short, he only really has the ability to stab his fellow Republicans in the back for failing to go along with his insistence that he secretly won the election. So if he makes the GOP look bad on the stimulus, he doesn’t care.

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