Donald Trump indecisively flip flops over White House exit

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With each passing day it becomes more obvious that there’s absolutely nothing to Donald Trump’s fantasy about somehow magically remaining in office. He lost in court. He lost with the state legislatures. He lost with the Electoral College. He has literally zero chance of overturning the election on January 6th, regardless of how delusionally hopeful his remaining supporters may be.

Of course this is really all about Trump continuing to fundraise from his gullible supporters. Meanwhile back in the real world, the government is moving on from the Trump era. In fact the Trump White House sent out a memo giving employees instructions on how to start packing up and leaving as of January 4th. But then Trump jumped in and had the memo rescinded, after it had already been sent.

This does not mean that Donald Trump has now somehow magically found a way to remain in office. Instead it’s a sign that even his own White House is admitting it’s over. It’s also a sign of how little knowledge and control he has over his collapsing White House, or he’d have been able to stop this memo from going out in the first place. Trying to rescind it after the fact is just embarrassing for him. In fact all of this indecisive flip flopping about his exit is turning him into a more pathetic punchline by the hour.

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