Turns out Matt Gaetz really is hosed

Yesterday, former New York Assistant Attorney General Tristan Snell broke the news that according to his sources, federal prosecutors have indeed decided to criminally indict Matt Gaetz in the coming weeks, and that the delay has only been because Joel Greenberg gave them so much evidence against Gaetz to process. Sure enough, ABC News nows says it’s seen some of that evidence.

ABC is reporting today that Greenberg has provided years of evidence including Venmo receipts and text messages, some of which establish that Greenberg was indeed setting up Matt Gaetz with women in exchange for digital cash payments. The evidence also implicates another associate of Greenberg and Gaetz, Jason Pirrazolo.

At this point it’s not a matter of whether Matt Gaetz will be indicted and arrested; that’s going to happen, and it’ll happen soon. The real question is what the specific charges against him will be. Snell reported yesterday that the Feds are pressuring Gaetz to flip; that leaves open the secondary question of who all he’s being pushed to flip on.

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