Turns out Donald Trump’s White House Rose Garden event was a coronavirus super spreader event

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When the news broke earlier today that Senator Mike Lee and the president of Notre Dame both tested positive for coronavirus after having attended last Saturday’s White House Rose Garden event, Palmer Report pointed out that this event was likely the flashpoint for the current White House outbreak. We also predicted that several additional attendees would soon test positive.

Sure enough, unfortunately, CNN’s Frida Ghitis is now reporting that three unnamed White House reporters have tested positive, and two of them attended last Saturday’s White House Rose Garden event. This tells us two things. First, the Rose Garden event was a coronavirus super spreader event, and we’re going to see a huge number of confirmed cases from attendees in the coming days.

Second, this suggests that the White House reporters who attended the Rose Garden event may have since spread the coronavirus to other White House reporters who weren’t at the event. This has the potential to be a disaster.

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