Tucker Carlson goes berserk and calls the police over total nonsense

During his Fox News show, Tucker Carlson portrays himself as an unhinged paranoid lunatic, who does things like urging the public to call the police and report child abuse if they see a child wearing a mask. But is Carlson truly this unhinged, or is this mere performance art for the sake of his lunatic audience?

It turns out Tucker Carlson really is the kind of guy who calls the police because a “protester” is outside playing a tambourine. No really, a tambourine:

We’re not big fans in general of protesting outside the houses of media figures – even deranged ones. But Tucker Carlson is purposely using false rhetoric and lies to try to put the lives of millions of Americans in danger during a pandemic. The least he can do is put up with a tambourine player who doesn’t approve of those deadly lies.

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