Three strikes and you’re out, Donald Trump!

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On Thursday Donald Trump managed to accomplish a feat that’s perhaps never been pulled off before. Congress subpoenaed him, the Department of Justice defeated him court, and the Supreme Court denied his request to intervene. Within a span of hours, Trump got smacked down by all three branches of United States government.

It’s somehow even worse for Trump when you throw in the fact that the Attorney General of New York caught his feeble attempt at hiding assets in a new company called “Trump Organization II” and took steps to put it out of its misery. Trump managed to lose to every branch of the federal government and his home state government yesterday.

That’s not easy to do. You have to be screwing up on a phenomenal level to pull that kind of thing off. Remarkably, these smackdowns were in relation to three different Trump crime sprees. But that’s what happens when you run for President to try to insulate yourself from your financial fraud, then lose reelection and try and fail to violently overthrow the government, and then steal nuclear secrets on your way out the door. Trump would have been a lot better off never running for office to begin with; his odds of remaining out of prison would have ended up being a whole lot higher.

Of course Trump is not actually in prison yet. But if anything, Thursday was a reminder that he is being steadily frog marched in that direction. The DOJ won in court as part of the criminal case it’s bringing against him. Congress subpoenaed him to help tee him up in a separate DOJ criminal case against him. And if he was counting on the Supreme Court to soften the blow of his downfall, it reminded him yet again yesterday that it’s too busy with its own agenda to care about helping him.

We’re now watching Donald Trump be dismantled, devoured, defeated, however you want to characterize it, from all sides in real time. No, these things don’t move at the rate that we wish they all did. But they’re all moving in a direction that’s good for America and bad for Trump, and they’re all reaching a point where it’s becoming fairly obvious how this ends. Investigators are doing their jobs. Trump will face justice. In the meantime, our job is to get out there and stop Trump’s Republican Party from seizing control of Congress in the midterms. We have just 25 days left to stop a GOP congressional takeover. It’s time for all of us to get to work.

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