Herschel Walker’s campaign descends into chaos

Herschel Walker’s campaign is descending further into chaos. It seems incredible now that such a thing could even happen. That his campaign could get even WORSE than it already is. That is precisely what is happening. The problem for Walker? Lies, lies and more lies.

The latest Walker tall-tale is that he is a “full-blooded Cherokee.” This is not a joke. Walker declared he was an indigenous American and a full-blooded Cherokee. Only one person might disagree with that — his mother.

Let’s start at the beginning. Walker said, “My mom just told me that my mom, grandmother, was full-blooded Cherokee,” he beamed. “So I’m Native American.” Oh Herschel, Herschel… as you may have guessed, these comments did not land well.

According to Huffington Post, Cherokee Nation has no record of Wacky Walker as a member. And his mother reportedly said in a phone interview with Huffington that she could not confirm these comments. She said only that she heard some stories there MIGHT be some relation to the Cherokee people, but that’s it. Methinks a little exaggeration might be going on here.

At this point, one wonders who Walker will claim to be next. A cow? A bull? JFK Junior? The possibilities are indeed endless. The fact is Walker is a habitual lair, who denies his own children, is Pro-abortion, and can’t be trusted to order breakfast, let alone be a member of the Senate. So this is the time to really rally together for Senator Warnock and put Walker back out to pasture where he can continue grazing on his lies to his heart’s content.

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