This is just ugly for GOP Senator Mike Lee

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Utah Senator Mike Lee is not a happy camper these days. This is because of four words. One America News Network. This far-right channel, which makes Fox non-news look competent, has had many issues lately. And AT&T booted the hate station from its lineup, causing sane people everywhere to heave a sigh of relief. Not Lee, though. I do not think it’s exaggerating to say Lee is on the warpath.

This might be why Lee, along with — who else — Rafael Cruz of Cancun, sent a letter to its Board of Directors demanding to know what’s up with this decision. But they went even further. In this letter, they speak of their “grave concerns” about the future of journalism and discourse in the United States. It appears Lee, along with Cruz, feels the Board made the wrong decision. And in the letter, they angrily demand to know if politics played any reason in their decision.

Here is my take on this story. I am sure politics did play a role, only not in the way Lee might think. See, One America News Network isn’t politics. It’s propaganda. And lots of AT&T’s customers were quite upset that they were being carried in the first place.

Most people do not like propaganda. Most people can RECOGNIZE propaganda when they see it. And most people are not like Mike Lee. See how that works? OANN is not politics, not journalism, and not for anybody remotely intelligent. OANN is an alien life-form, an eerie black widow spider, that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

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