This is a complete farce

– Congrats to Donald Trump for getting what appears to be a few hundred ballots thrown out in Pennsylvania. He’s behind by 54,000 votes in the state. Money well spent on the part of those who donated to Trump’s election legal fund. Oh that’s right, that money went into Trump’s pocket anyway.

– Kayleigh McEnany now says that Donald Trump will break his silence on the election results at the “appropriate time.” In other words, he’s going to keep pretending to contest the election results and pocket the donations for as long as he can, and then he’ll publicly admit that Joe Biden is going to be the next President, while still claiming that it was stolen from him. Whatever. Trump’s pity party of an endgame is getting less interesting by the day.

– In hindsight it was over when Lindsey Graham publicly told Trump to start the transition period to Biden, wasn’t it? Graham is an absolute turd, and he’s far from mentally stable, but even he knows which way the wind is blowing. Don’t be shocked if Graham somehow becomes a Biden cheerleader next. Really, would anything out of Graham surprise us at this point?

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