These new numbers are devastating for Kyrsten Sinema

Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema has not had an easy time of it lately, and that’s putting it mildly. Things might be about to get worse for her. A new poll is out, and it shows dismal news for Sinema’s popularity.

Predictive Insights, an Arizona-based opinion poll, has released some new numbers. They show that 72 percent of Arizona Democrats want someone else to run in 2024. Sinema also trails Rep. Ruben Gallego (one to watch.) Gallego leads in a hypothetical matchup by a stunning 23 points.

If I were Sinema — and thank goodness I am not — I’d worry about now. Her future in the Senate looks bleak unless she does something. I know many of you have said she doesn’t care and will most likely have no interest in running again. I respectfully disagree. ALL Senators want to run again. The only people who seem to be retiring early are intimidated GOP members who are tired of the bullshit of the insurrection party.

Sinema will want to run again. She will not have much of a future in a cushy job as a lobbyist if she can’t even support Democrats on voting rights. Who would hire her? And she is ambitious. Just look at her past. This is no shrinking violet, and she is not the type to quietly retire. So it stands to reason she will come around — just as she did with the infrastructure bill.

We can help her in that regard by calling her office regularly and (politely) telling her how we feel. Let’s do this in large numbers. We need to do this, and Sinema needs to do something, so this would be a win-win for everyone.

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