There’s a crucial competitive 2024 race heating up in Kentucky of all places

We’ve already capped off 2023, an off-off election year, with a number of strong performances in Virginia, Wisconsin and in New Hampshire, where the Republicans have a tenuous grip on the state legislature. We’re getting pretty good at this – and we certainly have to be – in the aftermath of Republican rule where they gladly double down on the most draconian legislation they can think of.

While Kentucky is a notoriously red state and angry Democrats across the country gave millions to Amy McGrath’s campaign for Senate against Mitch McConnell, the state’s incumbent governor is Andy Beshear, son of popular former governor Steven Beshear, and up for re-election on Nov 7, in a race that Cook Political Report has already rated Lean Democratic.

If you haven’t heard of Andy Beshear and the solid leadership he offered his state in the wake of the Covid pandemic, you should read up on it – and also familiarize yourself with one of his most formidable opponents running in the Republican primary: Daniel Cameron, the current attorney general of the state.

Cameron is not only the attorney general who chose not to prosecute in the tragic case of Breonna Taylor’s death, he’s also a staunch anti-abortion candidate, in a state where only 13% of the people think it should be illegal under all circumstances. The latter is, of course, the only possible outcome of Republican anti-choice policies. Let’s do everything we can to put Beshear over the top and see that he’s re-elected again in 2023.

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