The strange last days of Donald Trump

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The world we live in has gone through many changes in the last few years. Strange days indeed have come to America. One of the strangest days we’ve had in a while is — today. And yesterday. And possibly tomorrow.

It is every strange day that goes by without Republicans denouncing Trump’s horrific choice of dining companies this week. Think about it. In past years, at least the republicans had SOME type of boundaries. They were able to call their own out when they went too far.

A good example of that is former Representative Steve King of Iowa, who was removed from his committee assignments after he gave an interview to the New York Times questioning whether white supremacy is REALLY that big a deal.

So while we might have had policy differences with these Republicans, some of them at least knew right from wrong – some of the time. But in today’s times, the strangeness just keeps growing.

It is incredible to me that fully grown men (and women) persist in their quaking terror of a red-faced, snarling bully and traitor who will likely be indicted soon. But fear him, they must, for few republicans are saying one word about Trump dining with Nick Fuentes — and Kanye West, for that matter.

“This should be a no-brainer.” That’s from Tara Setmayer, a former Republican advisor who said these words on MSNBC. She – and many others are incredulous that Republicans continue to be silent on this issue.

What are they so afraid of? WHAT is making them act so strangely? Is it fear that if they speak up, Trump’s base will tweet at them and hurt their little fee-fees?

Are they afraid of losing their jobs? But why would they WANT their current job? They do not exist as politicians any longer. Their job title should really be: “In servitude of Donald Trump.”

Say something, Republicans! Why would anyone vote for you when you cannot stick up for America, it’s people, and even yourselves? You are acting like little cowards. Can’t you see the scorn in the eyes of the American people?

It’s strange days indeed, and they’re going to keep on getting stranger until the Republican party finds their voices, grows a pair, and decides to open their mouths in condemnation. I wouldn’t look for that to happen anytime soon.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report