Kari Lake’s endgame is just getting embarrassing

Kari Lake is still “contesting” the Arizona election but it’s having no impact and going nowhere. She’s basically shouting in the dark, to no one, and the only people who are paying attention are only doing it so they can laugh at her.

It’s a reminder that these kinds of threats and stunts to “contest” an election go nowhere, as long as we don’t cower over such threats. That’s especially when it comes from a non-incumbent, who doesn’t control the National Guard and therefore can’t clear a path for hooligans to storm the gates.

It’s all the more reason to make sure people like Kari Lake lose to begin with. If she had won this election, not only would she be Governor of Arizona for four years, she’d also be in a better position to get somewhere by yelling “rigged” if she lost reelection in 2026.

But as it is, Lake is left with nothing to do but make a fool of herself. That’s because we put in the work on that race and made sure she lost by 0.6 points instead of winning by 0.6 points. With those kinds of toss up races you can sit around and fret over the outcome, or you can donate and volunteer and phone bank and knock on doors and end up with far better odds of a positive outcome.

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