Donald Trump is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

Navy SEALs have a saying that “the only easy day was yesterday.” Donald Trump is a five time draft dodger who goes around insulting U.S. prisoners of war, so he may not be familiar with this particular military phrase โ€“ but it applies to him from here on out. Consider the sequence of days that Trump has had. First came the Manafort conviction and the Cohen plea deal on Tuesday. Then National Enquirer boss David Pecker’s immunity deal against Trump was revealed yesterday. Now, today, he’s having an even worse day.

Michael Cohen is a two-bit fixer who knows some of Donald Trump’s dirty secrets. David Pecker knows some as well. But that’s nothing compared to what Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg knows, because this guy has spent decades running the Trump Organization from a financial standpoint. Simply put, he knows where all of the bodies are buried. Today it was widely reported that Weisselberg was given immunity in exchange for testifying before the Cohen grand jury. But we all know Cohen wasn’t the target.

There is no way in hell that Robert Mueller and/or the Feds would have granted immunity to someone like Allen Weisselberg just to take down someone like Michael Cohen. Weisselberg is, by far, the bigger fish of the two. Immunity deals don’t flow in that direction. Weisselberg could only have gotten a get out of jail free pass if he agreed to sell out Donald Trump as well.

Back when the Feds first subpoenaed Allen Weisselberg nearly a month ago, Palmer Report wrote that it was a subpoena that “Donald Trump is going to hate.” We knew the subpoena was bad news for Trump, because of how deeply Weisselberg is entrenched in Trump’s shady finances. But even we weren’t expecting Weisselberg to simply sell Trump out in exchange for immunity. That makes today Trump’s worst day yet โ€“ and it’ll only get even worse for him from here.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.