It’s time for Donald Trump Jr to panic

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Donald Trump Jr is about as incriminated as you can get, thanks to Donald Trump’s public admission that the Russia meeting at Trump Tower was indeed a felony attempt at obtaining dirt from a foreign enemy in the hope of altering the outcome of the election. But maybe he’s naively counting on his father pardoning him as he’s being shoved out the back door of the White House. Even if so, it’s now time for Trump Jr to panic.

The shortest distance to taking down Donald Trump’s kids has always been to investigate their roles in running the Trump Organization and orchestrating its various shady real estate deals. Trump has spent his life committing one financial crime after another; are we to believe that he didn’t raise his kids to do the same? We’re about to find out, because now that Michael Cohen has cut a plea deal and Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg has been given immunity, local prosecutors in New York City are already rushing in to use Cohen and Weisselberg to expose the Trump Organization’s financial crimes.

Remarkably, the District Attorney for Manhattan is reportedly leading the charge on this, as opposed to the New York Attorney General. This appears to be yet another instance of prosecutors spreading jurisdiction around as an insurance policy. The most important thing about this case is that Donald Trump won’t be able to pardon the charges, because he can only even try to pardon federal charges. What stands out from the New York Times reporting is that the DA is already sizing up two unnamed Trump Organization officials for criminal charges. The point here is probably to get them to flip on Trump and Trump’s kids.

The District Attorney can’t put Donald Trump on trial while he’s still in office, but he can put Donald Trump’s kids on trial โ€“ and Trump wouldn’t be able to stop it by firing anyone at the federal level. Donald Trump Jr, Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump all have their fingerprints on Trump Organization deals, but Trump Jr is the one who’s also knee deep in Trump-Russia. Our guess is the DA targets Trump Jr first.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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