Robert Mueller puts the final nail in Roger Stone’s coffin [updated]

Update: CNN has now changed its reporting on Andrew Miller from “Roger Stone aide granted immunity by Feds” to “Roger Stone aide resisting Robert Mueller” without explanation. It’s unclear whether or not this means that CNN is no longer claiming that Miller has been given immunity. Second Update: CNN has subsequently posted this correction: “The headline and caption for this video were corrected to reflect that former Roger Stone aide Andrew Miller is resisting special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.”
Original article: If you’ve been paying close attention to Robert Mueller’s grand jury proceedings over the past few months in general, and the past few weeks in particular, you know that Mueller is very close to indicting and arresting Roger Stone. In fact there appeared to be just one key holdout witness left who was refusing to testify. Now it turns out Mueller found a novel way to work around that and nail Stone after all.
Roger Stone’s longtime political underling Andrew Miller was so adamant about not testifying against Stone, he allowed himself to be held in contempt of court, and risked getting himself thrown in jail. Miller was also pursuing a legal challenge to undermine Robert Mueller’s authority to investigate the overall Trump-Russia scandal. But now Mueller has managed to get Miller to come over to his side.
It turns out all it took was an immunity deal. CNN is reporting on-air this evening that Robert Mueller has granted Andrew Miller immunity from prosecution in exchange for testifying against Roger Stone. Immunity from what? We still don’t know. It’s never been clear precisely why Mueller considers Miller’s testimony so important, but it’s clear that Mueller does consider Miller’s testimony important. So what happens next?
There is no indication that Andrew Miller is involved in the Trump-Russia scandal. Instead, based on the role that Miller has played for Roger Stone over the years, it’s more likely that Miller is in position to know about Stone’s various other dirty secrets. The witness list against Roger Stone thus far has strongly suggested that Robert Mueller is planning to indict Stone for his role in Trump-Russia, as well as various financial matters and/or other scandals, so as to box Stone in and pressure him to flip on Donald Trump. There are no other known upcoming witnesses beyond Miller, so we could be looking at Stone’s indictment and arrest very soon.