Stupid is as stupid does

Stupid is as stupid does, and Marjorie Taylor Greene is once again putting her stupidity on display. According to the Hill, she wants to introduce a resolution declaring Antifa a terrorist organization. The problem here is that Antifa is not an “organization.” The New York Times describes Antifa as “a contraction of the phrase ‘anti-fascist,'” and said it is “more of a loose movement of activists whose followers share some philosophies and tactics.” So, how do you declare something a terrorist organization when it’s not an organization at all? Leave it to Greene to try.

Greene’s crusade stems from a new training facility being built in Atlanta. A group called “Stop Cop City” has been protesting the facility because they believe it promotes “militarization of the police” and harms the environment. During a protest on Sunday, someone lit fire to a construction vehicle. Neither Greene nor anyone else knows who was behind the fire, but she has decided it is the dreaded Antifa. She, of course, has no evidence, but since when has that stopped Greene? Just last week, she accused the Biden administration of causing the deaths of two young men from fentanyl. Those deaths occurred during the Trump administration, not the Biden administration. Even after that was pointed out, Greene just went on her merry way without acknowledging her error. Who would believe anything she says, let alone her Twitter rant about Antifa?

She calls the fire “domestic terrorism,” claiming that it was “planned for weeks and announced on social media.” Like the insurrectionists did before vandalizing the Capitol? Yet, you hear nothing from Greene on that issue, only silence. She called Antifa “self-proclaimed communists” who “consistently organize to attack our government over and over again.” Again, she has said nothing about the attack on the Capitol, which is one of the largest domestic attacks on our government in history, but being wrong has never stopped Greene before; it likely won’t now. She is the second embarrassing member of Congress to attempt this bill. Lauren Boebert tried it in 2021, but Democrats controlled Congress and it went nowhere. Now, Republicans control Congress, so let’s see how far this nonsense goes.

The Republican Congress is made up of several conspiracy theorists like Greene, so she may get her wish to pass legislation against a non-existent organization. What they will succeed in doing, however, is continuing to show what a waste of time and money they are and how they don’t belong in Congress at all. Jim Jordan is another classic example. His “weaponization” committee was little more than a joke to begin with, and media outlets report on its failures on a daily basis. Jordan has been singing the praises of his “whistleblowers” who prove his weaponization (conspiracy) theory, yet he won’t bring them in to testify before Congress. One can only wonder why. They may well be figments of his imagination, which is right in line with Greene’s imagination. Hopefully, the country can survive two years of this nonsensical waste of taxpayer dollars and send them all back home where they belong.

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