Even Donald Trump’s advisers admit he’s on an unhinged steroids bender

Earlier this evening, USA Today reported that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi believes Donald Trump’s dexamethasone steroid regimen may be causing his increasingly unhinged behavior, including his inexplicable decision to abruptly cancel the stimulus package. Now that same talk is coming from within the White House.

Buried several paragraphs into a lengthy New York Times report tonight, you’ll find this stunning sentence: “Some White House staff members wondered whether Mr. Trump’s behavior was spurred by a cocktail of drugs he has been taking to treat the coronavirus, including dexamethasone, a steroid that can cause mood swings and can give a false level of energy and a sense of euphoria.”

That’s right, even Donald Trump’s own advisers think his unhinged behavior today is due to the side effects of the dexamethasone, which can cause everything from mood swings to mania to hallucinations. Meanwhile the coward Mike Pence hides under his proverbial desk, too afraid to carry out his moral and constitutional duty to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump from power.

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