Nancy Pelosi just went there

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When Donald Trump’s doctor confirmed yesterday that he would still be giving Trump a powerful steroid called dexamethasone even after he left the hospital, Palmer Report predicted that he was headed for trouble. After all, dexamethasone can cause everything from mania to hallucinations.

When Trump began brief stretches of rage-tweeting today that were over the top even for him, we began wondering if it was the steroids talking. When Trump ended up abruptly canceling the stimulus package for no apparent reason, it became pretty clear that Trump’s already-poor decision making was being affected by the drugs.

It’s one thing for us to say it. But now Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is saying the same thing. USA Today is reporting that Pelosi is privately questioning whether Trump’s nonsensical decision to cancel stimulus talks today is indeed a result of the mind-altering steroids that he’s on. And frankly, we doubt that something like this would leak unless Pelosi was okay with it leaking.

So now we’re at the point where a sickly, out of control, possibly dying, and completely unhinged President of the United States – who is way behind in his reelection bid and will go to prison if he loses – is so out of control, the Speaker of the House is accusing his behavior of being drug-fueled. Sound the alarms.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report