Special Master Dearie quickly holds Donald Trump’s feet to the fire, as Trump’s stunt backfires

For some reason Donald Trump and his attorneys thought that Judge Raymond Dearie, who has been a federal judge since the 1980s and has a reputation and career to protect, would somehow be a favorable special master pick for them. Trump and his team are quickly finding out that things don’t work that way.

Special Master Dearie is already ordering Trump to provide evidence that he had actually declassified any of the documents that were seized from his home. This corners Trump, because he’s been trying to take the position that he blanket declassified every document he ever touched, without providing any evidence of this. Not surprisingly, Trump’s team has filed a response to Dearie, saying it doesn’t want to provide any such evidence because it might need it for its eventual criminal defense.

This essentially means that Trump is going to lose, and he’s going to lose quickly. This Special Master is going to turn around and say that since Trump can’t provide any evidence these documents were declassified, they’re outside the Special Master’s purview, and therefore his work is done.

Trump will probably end up asking his pet judge to ditch this Special Master and appoint another one. But by that time the Court of Appeals will have seized control of the entire thing anyway, and it’ll be out of the hands of Trump’s pet judge. It took Trump six years to find just one of his appointed judges who was willing to set herself on fire for Trump’s sake, and now Trump has burned that judge in a way that bought him, what, a week? What a waste. Trump’s got nothing.

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