Senate Intel Committee confirms Donald Trump and his campaign committed treason with Russia

Today the Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee released its final report on the Trump-Russia 2016 election scandal. The scathing report goes into great detail about how Donald Trump and his campaign conspired with the Kremlin to alter the outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, leaving no doubt that Trump is a traitor. The report also raises a number of questions.

First, if the Senate Intel Committee was able to dig up and expose all of this Trump-Russia collusion, why wasn’t Robert Mueller able to do so? Mueller’s final report was a hackneyed mess that barely touched on a lot of what the Senate is documenting. Mueller didn’t come close to doing his job. Did he really go senile, or did Bill Barr and Rod Rosenstein really go that far to sabotage Mueller’s work? We deserve answers.

Second, considering how damning this new report is, it’s now clear why Donald Trump and his allies worked so hard to force Senate Intel Committee Chairman Richard Burr out of his position. Burr was guilty of insider trading – but so were multiple other Senators. Trump’s DOJ solely targeted Burr in order to pressure him into stepping aside from his chairmanship. Fortunately, this stunt didn’t prevent the report from being released.

Third, Acting Senate Intel Committee Chair Marco Rubio is now flat out lying about what’s plainly visible in his own committee’s report. He’s insisting there was “no collusion” in almost cartoonish fashion. It’s clear that Rubio cares more about defending a sinking Donald Trump than he does about his own reputation or political future. Is Trump blackmailing Rubio, or is Rubio just that stupid?

Finally, what kind of impact will this report have on the election? It certainly allows us to make the argument to the voters in the middle that we were right all along about Trump and Russia rigging the 2016 election. But most people seem to be voting based on Trump’s poor handling of the coronavirus, the economy, and racial relations. If nothing else, this report will make it easier to push back against Trump if he’s dumb enough to keep campaigning on the laughable premise that the Trump-Russia scandal was a “hoax.”

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