Donald Trump has completely berserk meltdown about Michelle Obama

Last night Donald Trump attacked Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, NPR, Rachel Maddow, Fox News, Nicolle Wallace, John Kasich, Andrew Cuomo (five times), and the entire city of Seattle. But he never did attack Michelle Obama, even though she hit him the hardest and most effectively of any Democratic National Convention speaker. Trump clearly didn’t know what had hit him, and he was too stunned or afraid to hit back.

This morning Trump, or someone ghost-tweeting for him, finally found the nerve to hit back at Michelle Obama: “Somebody please explain to Michelle Obama that Donald J. Trump would not be here, in the beautiful White House, if it weren’t for the job done by your husband, Barack Obama. Biden was merely an afterthought, a good reason for that very late & unenthusiastic endorsement. My Administration and I built the greatest economy in history, of any country, turned it off, saved millions of lives, and now am building an even greater economy than it was before. Jobs are flowing, NASDAQ is already at a record high, the rest to follow. Sit back & watch!”

Everything about this tweet is weird, starting with Trump’s decision to refer to himself by his full name in the third person. Trump is also misrepresenting the fact that President Obama diplomatically waited until voters had chosen a nominee before endorsing a primary candidate. As far as the rest of it, everyone knows Obama built the strong economy before Trump tanked it. We know, because we were there.

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