Randy Credico’s scandalous reveal about Donald Trump could have implications across the board

It’s understandable if you missed it, amid all the cascading chaos of the day. But somewhere in there, Randy Credico – the former close friend and current mortal enemy of Donald Trump’s pal Roger Stone – unleashed on Trump in a surreal and revealing manner in the middle of the night. We’re still trying to parse it, and more importantly, the implications it may have across the board.

Randy Credico sent a series of out-of-context Twitter replies to Donald Trump last night. One said “Stone has information about you going back 37 years and your sexual perversion and economic crimes .. stay tuned fatso.” Another said “your depraved sexual behavior and your venal economic crimes is enough to put you in prison and then orange jumpsuit to match your hair for the rest of your fat life.” You get the idea. But here’s the thing: it’s not just about Credico.

Let’s assume for a minute that Roger Stone really did tell Randy Credico these things back when they were close. Why would Stone know these things? Just yesterday, MSNBC host Chris Matthews pointed out that Stone is the kind of guy who digs up the kind dirt on people that no one can even figure out where he got it from. So maybe Stone really does know this stuff about Trump. Stone is such a self admitted scoundrel, it wouldn’t be surprising – at all – to learn that he seeks out dirt on his powerful friends, so he can make sure they stay friends.

Roger Stone’s willingness to tell this kind of thing to people like Credico suggests that Stone has no interest in protecting Trump from these kinds of secrets, and is indeed willing to use them to his advantage instead. Everyone expects Stone to be indicted and arrested very soon, including Stone. If he has this kind of criminal dirt on Trump, why would he not use it to save himself? And why does Credico think that right now is the time to tell the world about what Stone is sitting on? Stay tuned. This one isn’t over.

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