Donald Trump’s mysterious vanishing act is now being blamed on a “glitch”

It just keeps getting stranger. Earlier this evening we brought you the story of how Donald Trump disappeared from tonight’s Christmas tree lighting ceremony in such strange fashion that the protective press pool, which is always in strategic position to travel with him under all circumstances, was left sitting out in the cold with no clue as to why Trump had vanished or where he’d gone to. Now the whole thing is being blamed on an utterly absurd excuse.

After the press pool was left outdoors in the freezing weather for fifteen minutes with no explanation, they were then taken back to the White House, where Trump’s handlers told them to go home, but offered no explanation for what had just happened, or where Trump gone, or why. Now the president of the White House Correspondents’ Association is blaming the entire incident on a “logistical glitch.” Uh, really?

This was all a glitch? What is this, the Matrix? Isn’t this the same White House Correspondents’ Association president who just finished bowing down to Donald Trump by removing the comedian segment from the annual dinner? We’re supposed to believe this crap, at the end of a day when Donald Trump’s entire life just exploded into one big ball of obstruction and treason and inevitable downfall?

Where is Donald Trump tonight anyway? Is he in the White House, hiding under his desk? Is he down at the local strip club, asking if they take rubles? This guy’s entire illegitimate presidency has been a glitch. We may never know what happened tonight – but we’re guessing this traitor will still be holding the presidency hostage by morning.

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