Donald Trump’s real impeachment problem

Donald Trump’s real problem if he gets impeached again is that most of the lawyers he’d want to use are now probably on a terrorist watch list.

Seriously, who’s he going to use at this point? His personal attorney Jay Sekulow is now publicly attacking him, and White House Counsel Pat Cippollone is now threatening to resign from the White House. Sidney Powell just got banned from Twitter, and Lin Wood keeps making violent threats against Mike Pence.

That leaves Donald Trump with Rudy Giuliani, the half senile ghoul who keeps getting Trump into one mess after another. It’s doubtful that Giuliani would even be allowed into the Capitol building at this point, after the role he played in this week’s Capitol terrorist attack.

Then again they might not let Trump in the building either. This would be the first time a President has been impeached in the Capitol Building for having incited a domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol Building. It’s all a reminder that Trump belongs in prison, and the sooner the better.

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