President Biden takes a wrecking ball to Donald Trump’s wall scam

Donald Trump’s short time in office was mostly spent trying to undo the legacy of his predecessor. Although he succeeded in reversing a few significant executive actions taken by President Obama, Trump largely failed at this goal – as the Affordable Care Act is still alive and well and the U.S. has rejoined the Paris Accord. By comparison, a number of Trump’s executive actions were reversed quite early on in the Biden administration and immediately impacted peoples’ lives, but now President Biden is taking aim at a key piece of Trump’s legacy: the money draining southern border wall.

Despite social media rumors to the contrary, President Biden is returning the $14 billion of defense spending that Trump’s administration seized to pay for that wall. If you’ve been following Palmer Report over the last few years, you’ve probably realized that rather than getting Mexico to pay for a border wall, he’s been taking money that’s badly needed for building schools on bases for military families or replacing asbestos tiles in military bunkers – reckless decisions that Republican senators have refused to take a stand against.

The funding that was seized by Donald Trump declaring a national emergency is now being returned to where it belonged, and America will be stronger and safer for it, while the most memorable mantra of Trump’s legacy fades away. The border crisis itself is disappearing at the same time, with a record number of refugees being processed in the last few days, while contracts spent on building the wall are now going to repair erosion and levees along the Rio Grande. It’s almost as though doing the exact opposite of what the Trump administration did is making America great again.

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