President Biden just changed the game

All you needed to do was look at Thursday’s federal court hearing to understand that Donald Trump’s life is over. After all, the Department of Justice is gearing up to criminally indict him for espionage among other charges, with a case that appears to be overwhelmingly airtight. So why did President Joe Biden use his primetime speech last night to push Trump to the forefront?

Even though Trump is (obviously) finished in politics, a whole bunch of mini-Trumps are in the process of trying to seize control of the House and Senate. Doing so would not in any way rescue Trump from his fate. But it would make a nightmarish mess for America in too many other ways to count.

So what better way for Biden to gain a midterm advantage for the Democrats, than to push Donald Trump out front? Biden’s speech has forced Republican leaders like Kevin McCarthy to loudly defend Trump – even to the point of having to defend Trump’s treasonous theft of classified state secrets. Given that Trump is toxically unpopular with general election audiences, this is merely going to motivate mainstream Americans to go out and vote for the Democrats in the midterms.

In other words, as Joe Biden keeps periodically reminding us, he really is more politically savvy than just about anyone else in the game. Biden’s speech ensures that today’s headlines about Trump being on the verge of criminal indictment for espionage are paired alongside headlines about Republican midterm candidates actively defending Trump’s treasonous behavior. Bring it on.

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