It’s all on the line now

I don’t know about you, but I was a student of history growing up. Libraries were my friend, and I loved reading about America — as it was and had been. Perhaps you did — and do — as well. And it is strange to think about, but right now, we are making history.
To quote John Heilemann and the book, Game Change: “We are the makers of history, not its victims.” And so it’s true. Right now, history is being written — by us. And someday, it will be read about by students, some of them small children eager to learn about the United States.
It is up to us to ensure that the story they read is a great one. We, the makers of change, must leave a legacy. WE are history’s students — the ones who learned about what to do — and what not to do.
Our future change makers will want to know all about us. How did we react to the world’s tragedies? Did we make the right decisions? There are some — many — in history that did not. I can remember reading about a certain person by the name of Benedict Arnold. History wasn’t kind to him. I grew up knowing he was a traitor. And now we come to Donald Trump.
Decades from now — centuries from now –new crops of children will sit in these lovely and airy school libraries, piled high with books on America and all her adventures. And they will read, as we read about Benedict Arnold, about a man named Donald Trump and his terrible deeds.
That is unless the GOP wins — and bans history books. Then it might be a false history the future generations read about. It is up to us to ensure that doesn’t happen. You see, voting is not just about the here and now. It’s about responsibility. It’s about leaving a vibrant legacy. We owe it to the future change makers — to be there for them.
We will never meet them, but we know them. They will exist and be infused with love for America just as we are now. They will be lit from within with passion and the desire to change the world. It’s up to us — with our voices and votes — to ensure they get a chance to do just that.