Donald Trump’s new oddly specific denial about the Mueller report gives something away

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Donald Trump went berserk today, which isn’t surprising, because he tends to do that on days that end with a “y.” But when Trump went off the deep end today about the Mueller report, he made an oddly specific denial that shouldn’t be overlooked – because he gave away something in the process.

Here’s part of what Donald Trump tweeted, and see if you can spot the big giveaway: “I have not read the Mueller Report yet, even though I have every right to do so. Only know the conclusions, and on the big one, No Collusion. Likewise, recommendations made to our great A.G. who found No Obstruction.” Yeah that’s right, even though no one has been asking Trump if he’s already read the report, he just preemptively claimed he hasn’t read it – and whenever he does this kind of thing, he’s lying.

The tricky part is figuring out precisely what Trump is lying about here. Do we think he’s read the entire Mueller report, which is reported to be in the neighborhood of four hundred pages? Of course not. This is a guy who, by all accounts, can’t focus long enough to read a two page briefing memo. But because the liar-in-chief is claiming not to know the details of the report, it means that someone has told him something about the details – and that’s significant.

Does this mean that William Barr has given the entire Mueller report to Donald Trump’s handlers, who have turned around and briefed Trump on it? If so, that’s felony obstruction of justice on Barr’s part. It also raises the question of whether Trump’s handlers gave him the ugly truth about how screwed he is, or misleadingly told him that he was off the hook so he wouldn’t completely fall to pieces. In any case, thanks to Trump’s mouth, we now know that Trump and Barr are conspiring in some way when it comes to the contents of the report – and that could be an even bigger criminal scandal than what’s in the report.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report