There’s a Donald Trump tweet for every occasion

Most people have likely heard the phrase “There’s a Donald Trump tweet for every occasion.” Trump joined Twitter in March 2009 so we have a treasure trove going back over nine years in which the most childish and resentful person to ever sit in the Oval Office has been able to share his revenge-driven and unfiltered views for the world to see. While this has made for many laughable moments where we have been able to point out the severe hypocrisy after Trump does something he previously tweeted was foolish or that he’d never do, some of his old tweets let us peer into his mind to see why he actually did something.

One recent example of Trump’s hypocrisy also allows us to realize the true reason for him ordering the airstrike in Syria. On October 9, 2012, Trump tweeted: “Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate.” While many predicted that Trump would do something drastic following the raid against his personal attorney Michael Cohen last week, this tweet from more than five years ago gives us a glimpse into what Trump thought President Obama might do for a distraction. As we know, President Obama did not launch a wag-the-dog type attack because he was not obsessed with approval ratings and he was not childish enough, like Trump clearly is, to put America in a position this close to war just to change the news cycle for a couple days.

This is clear evidence that Trump thinks launching a strike against another country is something a president would typically do for pure distraction purposes. The fact that he never deleted this tweet shows a couple different things about Trump. First, he must have completely forgotten that he even said this five years ago. Secondly, it proves he is not good at covering up crimes. This evidence explains why Trump is freaking out over the Michael Cohen raid. It’s been reported that the FBI confiscated a massive amount of evidence, including recordings.

If Cohen is a quarter as forgetful and bad at covering up his crimes as Trump is, Robert Mueller will have enough evidence to put Trump away for the rest of his life. If the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York is sharing this information with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, we can also know that asset forfeiture is involved. If Trump realizes that he will die penniless in prison, I don’t doubt for a minute he’d launch an air strike on Syria for even a minute of distraction.

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