Nice try, Donald Trump Jr

Donald Trump Jr has been having a rough go of it lately to say the least. Each time he posts a new online video of himself, he comes off as more frantic, disheveled, and incoherent. And when New York criminally indicted the Trump Organization last week, Junior responded by basically confessing to his family’s crimes.

Yet even as he unravels, Donald Trump Jr has convinced himself that if he spends enough time and effort trolling the Democrats, it’ll somehow magically get him and his family off the legal hook.

Far right Congressman and former Trump doctor Ronny Jackson posted this deranged and obviously false tweet today: “Yes, today’s Democrat Party is made up almost entirely of socialists, communists, and Marxists. All BAD!”

Donald Trump Jr responded to the tweet by adding “Fact Check: True.” Uh, nice try. This kind of kindergarten level rhetoric isn’t going to change anything. It won’t cause the current New York indictments to magically cease to exist. It won’t magically keep New York from dropping even more indictments on the Trump family’s head. All it does is allow an unraveling Trump Jr to tell himself that he’s somehow doing something to fight back against his family’s downfall, which deep down even he surely knows he can’t stop.

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