New trouble for Donald Trump

The DOJ’s appeal of Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling is merely a kink in its ongoing investigation into Donald Trump and his attempts to stage a coup. The investigation into the fake elector scheme continues, and the New York Times reported that the DOJ has subpoenaed two from the former Trump White House: Stephen Miller and Brian Jack. The DOJ’s investigation has widened to include post-election fundraising, much of which has likely gone into Trump’s failed businesses and/or his pockets. American Voices’ Alicia Menendez invited Charles Coleman Jr. (of MSNBC) and Eugene Daniels to discuss where this investigation is going.
Coleman said that while Trump might not yet be indicted on insurrection and trying to overthrow the government, the government sometimes must go after something “smaller,” like it did with Al Capone and tax evasion. Interesting that Coleman compared Trump to a mob boss because that’s basically what Trump is, but that’s not what Coleman meant. As Coleman said, it is more likely that the DOJ can tie Trump to the fake elector scheme, which may well accomplish the same goal. The government is more likely to realize success on smaller charges where proof is more readily available than trying to build a case around what was in Trump’s mind when he set everything in motion on January 6. The goal is to indict him; the charge doesn’t really matter. The DOJ can always continue to investigate other matters while Trump awaits trial on other charges. Because those charges will better stick, that is the DOJ’s current focus.
New York Times reported that the DOJ subpoenas seek information relating to the Save America committee, as well as the plan to submit fake elector pledges from the states won by President Biden. In their minds, bringing forth these fake electors would forestall certification of the election for President Biden, but surely, they knew this wouldn’t work forever. The fake electors would have eventually been uncovered, and all they would have accomplished was holding up certification and looking like the fools they are. It is so puzzling that these people thought they could outsmart the entire country with this nonsense, but like Trump, they were desperate. As desperate as they were, the DOJ is even more determined to bring everything to light, as indicated by the prosecutors who are handling the case.
One of the prosecutors heading up the investigation is Thomas P. Windom, who NYT reported is a veteran federal prosecutor, and he is joined by two other prosecutors, one of whom is a veteran fraud prosecutor. Both Miller and Jack were involved with Trump following the election, but only Miller received compensation from the Save America PAC. He even had the nerve to appear on Fox News to announce that several states were “sending an alternate slate of electors.” Yes, fake electors that none of the states had authorized. These people decided that they knew what would be best for the people who voted President Biden into office by overriding our votes. Even though it never happened, what they did was unlawful, unconstitutional, and they must pay for their actions.
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Shirley is a former entertainment writer and has worked in the legal field for over 25 years