Donald Trump’s coronavirus test scandal just got even uglier tonight

For days, Donald Trump’s doctors have refused to say when he last tested negative for coronavirus. This is important, because it would help pin down when Trump caught the virus, and who all he might have infected. The evasiveness screams of a coverup.

Sure enough, the Trump coronavirus test timeline scandal is starting to break open tonight. The New York Times just reported this: “White House officials conceded on Tuesday that there had been an impression created that Mr. Trump was getting tested every day, and a reliance on testing as if it were a curative measure as opposed to a diagnostic.”

So now the Trump regime is admitting that it didn’t bother to test Donald Trump on a regular basis, and that it therefore doesn’t know which day he would have first tested positive. This is an admission that the Trump regime has been lying all along about Trump’s testing schedule, and that there was a negligent lack of testing. But we suspect it might be even worse.

Are we supposed to believe that after Hope Hicks fell ill and tested positive in the middle of the day on Wednesday, Donald Trump didn’t immediately get tested as a precaution? We suspect that Trump tested positive on Wednesday but was planning to keep it a secret until someone leaked Hicks’ test result to the media on Thursday, forcing Trump’s hand. There is also the possibility that Trump tested positive before the debate on Tuesday. We simply don’t know what they’re covering up – but it’s all starting to come out now.

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