Mike Pompeo enters coronavirus quarantine

In the final days of his failed presidency, Donald Trump is running out of henchmen. Attorney General Bill Barr resigned and/or was fired on Monday. Now Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been forced to enter quarantine after being exposed to coronavirus.

Pompeo had been planning to hold a 900 person Christmas party, a dangerously deranged idea in a pandemic. It turned out almost no one RSVP’d for the party, and Pompeo ended up skipping it himself, presumably to avoid the embarrassment of hosting a party and having no one show up. But even that apparently didn’t prevent Pompeo from being exposed to coronavirus somewhere along the way, and the Washington Post says he’s now quarantining.

Pompeo has tested negative thus far. But it’s commonplace for infected people to test negative until they start showing symptoms, which could take five to fourteen days, before finally testing positive. Even if Pompeo continues to test negative, he’ll be out of the game for several days while under quarantine – and this comes at a time when Trump and Pompeo only have 35 days left.

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