Melania Trump has a whole new scandal

Earlier this week, Melania Trump very publicly forced Deputy National Security Adviser Mira Ricardel out of her job. This was the culmination of ongoing clashes between the two during their shared trip to Africa. Melania appears to believe that it was Ricardel who outed her for having wastefully booked a nearly hundred thousand dollar hotel stay and then not even having stayed in it. Now Melania has a whole new scandal.

It turns out the Africa debacle wasn’t the only time in which Melania Trump ran up a massive hotel bill for no justifiable reason. Quartz is reporting that Melania blew a whopping $174,000 on hotel bills when she visited Toronto, despite – stop us if you’ve heard this one before – not even staying the night.

The kicker here is that if she’s done this twice, then she’s probably made a consistent habit out of it, raising the question of just how many millions of taxpayer dollars she may have blown on her extravagant international travel. Worse than being wasteful, Melania appears to be trying to carry out revenge at all costs against anyone who may be exposing her for it.

What’s particularly notable is that, in publicly getting Ricardel ousted from a national security position, Melania Trump knowingly threw away whatever little might have been left of her reputation. If anyone had been unsure if Melania was a victim or a co-conspirator in Donald Trump’s tyranny, this erased any real doubt. Public figures generally only decide to throw away their reputation in the name of petty revenge if they don’t expect to be public figures much longer. Is Melania expecting her husband to be ousted soon?

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