What the hell is going on with Donald and Melania Trump?

By now you’re surely heard that Donald Trump tweeted “I am all alone (poor me) in the White House” earlier today, in some weird attempt at garnering sympathy for the fact that he shut down the government and then had to cancel his own planned Christmas vacation to Florida. Now we’re learning that he wasn’t actually alone at the time, and it raises even more questions about his mental competence and/or stability.

Melania Trump had traveled to Mar-a-Lago with the expectation that Donald Trump would be joining her. However, when Donald shut down the government, there were reports from Melania’s camp that she would be returning to the White House for Christmas. This led to some confusion as to whether or not she did return. When Donald tweeted “I am all alone” today, it led some people to believe she had remained in Florida.

But this evening a profoundly disturbing video surfaced of Donald Trump having gotten on the phone with a seven year old kid, and basically told the kid that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. This alone is mind blowing. But the first few seconds of the video show Melania sitting next to him. Melania also tweeted photos of her and Donald sitting there making phone calls together.

This confirms that Melania Trump was in fact there in the White House when Donald Trump tweeted “I am all alone (poor me).” Ouch. Does this mean he’s so despondent, he considers himself to be “alone” even when his wife is there with him? Or does it mean that his brain his failed to the point that he didn’t know his wife was there? Either way, this is just bizarre.

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