Madison Cawthorn unravels as his GOP drug and orgy accusations backfire on him

“Human nature is fallen.” Wow. That SOUNDS like such a philosophical comment, yes? So who said it? It was North Carolina Rep. Madison Cawthorn. Not so philosophical, I’m afraid. Cawthorn wrote these words in a written statement — blaming DEMOCRATS for his own comments about orgies and cocaine.
He says, “compromising activities occur because when other people can place you in compromising positions, they control you.”
I think I speak for many when I speculate that it’s possible the horse has left the barn where Cawthorn’s sanity is concerned.
Since Cawthorn made these accusations, bedlam has erupted. The story is in the news still and shows no sign of leaving.
And it’s a great bit of irony, don’t you think? All these years, the GOP has found power in the only way they know how to do — smearing people and making up stories.
Now they find themselves smeared — by one of their own.
And they can’t run away from this story. Oh, they’re certainly trying. But you see, my friends, this story has legs. These legs are VERY capable, and right now, they’re chasing the shame-faced GOP refusing to stop.
On social media, there is lurid speculation about whom Cawthorn could be referring to — if indeed he was telling the truth.
There are some pretty amusing answers, a few of them so disgusting I almost threw up a bit.
And it seems almost every news station is carrying this story. And why wouldn’t they? It is just lurid enough for the media — sex, drugs, and — well, the rock-n-roll has yet to enter the picture, but the other two are very firmly there.
Many Maga are puzzling over what it all means.
Some of them are convinced Hunter Biden is whom Cawthorn referred to. These particular geniuses do not seem to be aware that Hunter Biden has never held elected office.
Others are demanding names. Some are convinced it is the Republican RINOS whom Cawthorn refers to. Others think he made it all up — a definite possibility. In the meantime, hapless Republicans are stuck with this. It’s the GOP story that just wouldn’t die. It’s the GOP story told by one of their own — and it is playing out in an utterly hilarious way.