Mitt Romney comes through

I was wrong. I predicted Senator Murkowski would vote yes on Judge Jackson and Senator Romney would vote no. Well, folks — this writer was wrong. They BOTH voted yes — to advance Judge Brown’s nomination. And BOTH have put out statements saying they will ultimately vote to confirm when the final vote is held.

Take a moment to smile. And allow me, if you will to give my thanks and gratitude to both Senator Romney and Senator Murkowski. This will be a bi-partisan confirmation. And there is more than one Republican voting for her. There are three. This is a very good night for all of us.

Murkowski and Romney chose — for this vote anyway — to put fear aside. They decided to embrace the beauty of doing the right thing.

And you all helped as well.

Every tweet you sent, every call you made, every email you sent — mattered.

They mattered a great deal.

So, congratulate yourselves. Bask in the cool and refreshing waters of activism.

Activism is always good but especially when it yields results.

To be clear – the vote would have been yes anyway, but it is that much sweeter with bi-partisan support. So thank you, Democrats, for moving swiftly on this. Thank you, Senators Collins, Romney, and Murkowski, for doing the right thing. I feel we must always thank the Senators when they do right, even the Republican ones.

This is what results look like. This is what history is made of. This is how we win. When you can’t find the sunshine — and there are many days like that — BE the sunshine. Congratulations, Judge Jackson — soon to be Justice Jackson.

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