Bigger fish to fry

So as you know, Peter Navarro has been indicted by the Justice Department — Garland’s Justice Department. You would think people would be jumping for joy — right? Not happening.
Some are. But there are a lot of pissed-off people on social media, and that is the focus of this article. The reason this particular group of people is pissed is that Mark Meadows is not being indicted for contempt. I have never in my lifetime seen jubilation turn to rage that quickly.
If one were to search for Garland’s name on Twitter, one would see far more ferociously angry people than happy ones:
“Merrick Garland is doing nothing.”
“He’s useless.”
“He’s in on it.”
“Anyone saying Garland cares is a liar.”
It makes me sad to see this. It really does. But it also makes me angry. I know a lot about politics. What I do not know is what would satisfy the Garland critics. At one point, would they finally stop hating on the man? Perhaps if Trump was charged. Perhaps.
But these people are in for a rude awakening. It is virtually impossible that Donald J. Trump will be indicted, charged, and sent to prison before the midterm elections. Not happening. And yet that is what some of these people seem to be demanding. This writer saw it all over social media. It is infuriating.
This isn’t how the law works, and anybody who thinks it does is in major denial. Everybody is free to form their own conclusions. What alarms me is the HATRED I am seeing. It is not unlike the Depp/Heard trial or the Maga crowd chanting “lock her up.”
Sometimes, social media can be a toxic bottle of viciousness, a viper’s nest. But I fear that many are losing themselves in it — losing themselves to hate — losing focus. Not you, dear readers. I do not refer to you. But my concerns are that nothing — NOTHING Garland does will ever be enough.
As I write this, I try to visualize what the naysayers would say after reading these words. Honestly? I do not care why Mark Meadows has not been indicted. I trust Garland — and we have bigger fish to fry. I hope that people will read this article and take it to heart. If even one person stops with the rage tweeting, I feel I have done my work.