Donald Trump goes on rant after protesters confront Kirstjen Nielsen at her dinner table in a restaurant

On Monday, Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen decided to insert herself front and center in Donald Trump’s immigrant child concentration camp scandal. She staked herself to Trump’s Nazi-like brutality, and of course there’s no coming back from that. So it wasn’t shocking when video emerged of protesters confronting Nielsen at her dinner table in a restaurant on Tuesday night, prompting her to leave. Shortly thereafter, Trump began ranting about it.

There have been conflicting characterizations of what specifically transpired in the restaurant. The protesters posted a ten minute video on Facebook, in which they peacefully chanted at Nielsen while just a few feet away from her table. Another brief video, taken outside the restaurant, shows Nielsen and her people hurriedly leaving the restaurant and getting into a car. Some headlines have said the protesters “chased” her from the restaurant, but it appears she merely left dinner early in a hurry, and wasn’t physically chased out the door.

In any case, not long after the incident, Donald Trump took to Twitter and began ranting in Nielsen’s defense. Without specifically addressing the restaurant incident, he posted this: “Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen did a fabulous job yesterday at the press conference explaining security at the border and for our country, while at the same time recommending changes to obsolete & nasty laws, which force family separation. We want “heart” and security in America!”

Considering that it was posted at roughly 9pm EST, by which time he’s often in bed, and the unlikelihood that he would have heard about the incident so quickly, we’re not convinced he even wrote this tweet. In any case, it’s clear that Americans are mad as hell at Donald Trump and they’re not going to take it anymore, and they view Kirstjen Nielsen as one of his Nazi henchmen.

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