John Boehner flames out

Former Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner has released a new book, in which he trashes today’s Republican Party leaders. It’s pretty clear that Boehner is trying to cash in by marketing the book to the majority of Americans who are also fed up with today’s Republican Party. But here’s the thing.

John Boehner is every bit as corrupt, extremist, and full of crap as today’s Republican leaders are. It’s just that back in his day, Boehner and his contemporaries made more of an effort to falsely frame their corrupt extremism as something mainstream and reasonable.

There’s a reason John Boehner hates people like Ted Cruz so much: these new Republicans make such a point of flaunting their corrupt extremism, it’s threatening the longtime Republican money train. Major corporations and mega-donors are now more afraid to fund Republican Super PACs or support voter suppression laws, for fear of public backlash.

As a final reminder that John Boehner is still part of the problem, Time Magazine revealed today that he voted for Donald Trump in 2020. That’s right, as much as Boehner is whining about today’s Republicans, he’s still putting his own corrupt financial interests ahead of the good of the country. Do America a favor and don’t buy Boehner’s book, no matter how many insults he might be hurling at Ted Cruz.

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