GOP Senator John Thune melts down on Fox News

Senate Minority Whip John Thune was on Fox News Sunday, criticizing what President Biden has done and is determined to accomplish, yet felt it necessary to lie about it in order to do so.

Thune claimed Biden’s infrastructure plan is only 25% traditional infrastructure (such as roads and bridges) and the rest is Democrats’ socialist agenda. Chris Wallace corrected him by stating at least a third of it is traditional infrastructure. I guess neither of them are concerned about the safety of our electrical grid or drinking water lines, and don’t care that the overwhelming majority of Americans support everything in Biden’s plan.

Thune said Republicans would support an investment in traditional infrastructure in the billions — not the trillions. (So there will obviously be no compromise, Manchin.)

Thune claimed Biden’s corporate tax hike to 28% would make us the highest corporate taxer in the world – a blatant lie. The highest is United Arab Emirates at 55%. Other top corporate rates include Brazil and Venezuela – both 34%; France – 31%; and Japan 30.62%; Biden’s proposed corporate taxes would rank us 20th in the world.

Numerous polls show Americans agree with Biden on raising corporate taxes, and not because we resent the rich. We just want them to pay their fair share.

Trump’s 2017 tax cuts made corporations have a lower tax rate than individuals for the first time in American history, and was one of the most dramatic tax decreases by a country ever in the world since the 21st century began.

Thune also lied about Biden’s immigration and gun control policies. He is an evangelical christian and should be ashamed of himself. Before he became one of Trump’s “RINOs,” he was reportedly seen as a rising star because he “looks like a President” — typical Republican logic.

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