Jim Jordan tries on cancel culture for size

Republicans do not know much about legislating and giving the people what they want and need, but they can certainly stir up mess. They scream about “cancel culture,” yet they are the biggest perpetrators of it. If someone refuses to go along with their lies — like Liz Cheney — they are canceled. If someone dares to criticize Donald Trump, that person is canceled. In this case, the canceled party is Susan Hennessey.

Susan Hennessey is a former attorney with the National Security Agency who is now part of the DOJ national security division. According to the Hill, she joined last month. Republicans, focused on their cancel culture, have asked the DOJ to turn over information regarding Hennessey’s hiring. Why? Because she was a frequent critic of their idol Donald Trump. She also criticized former attorney general William Barr’s handling of the Mueller investigation. Given all the furor around Barr’s handling of Mueller’s report, including invoking the ire of District Judge Reggie Walton, he should be criticized. According to CNN, Judge Walton called Barr’s actions “a ‘calculated attempt’ to help President Donald Trump and opined the attorney general had a ‘lack of candor’ with the public and Congress.” Given this criticism from a federal judge, Hennessey, like the rest of us, recognized Barr’s despicable activities for what they were.

You can likely guess who is all up in arms about Hennessey: Jim Jordan. The Hill reported that he sent a letter to AG Merrick Garland, complaining that Hennessey’s Twitter feed “raises serious concerns about potential political bias.” He should know all about political bias. He sees nothing wrong with his own out-of-control behavior while Trump was in office, yet he has the nerve to point fingers at others. A wise man once said: “Be careful where you point your finger. You’re pointing three back at yourself.” Jordan needs to learn the value of that statement. Jordan’s letter, which was co-signed by Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Mike Johnson (R-LA), said in part: “Your decision to hire Ms. Hennessey to a senior position . . . suggests that rather than execute the law impartially and without fear of favor, you intend to continue the Obama-Biden Administration’s politicization and weaponization of our national security laws.” This is laughable. No one “politicized and weaponized” national security and the DOJ more than Donald Trump. Jordan is the classic example of one who never examines the person looking back at him in the mirror. He is too busy trying to find others to criticize.

It is no surprise that, according to the Hill, Jordan is operating on information from Faux News. What a shock. Republicans like Jim Jordan have a choice to make. They can either focus on what is best for the American people or they can prepare themselves for extinction. Perhaps some of them can change; Jim Jordan is not one of them.

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