Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Chris Wray throw Donald Trump under the bus

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This afternoon, several federal law enforcement officials held a joint press conference to announce the arrest of Cesar Sayoc for sending bombs to several prominent Democratic political figures. Among them: Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray. They each made a point of throwing Donald Trump under the bus.

Even as recently as this morning, Donald Trump posted a tweet suggesting that the bombs were just a distraction, and he went so far as to put the word “bomb” in quotation marks, strongly implying that it was some kind of hoax aimed at helping Democrats in the midterm elections. But when Chris Wray took the stage today, he stressed that while it wasn’t clear how thoroughly these bombs were built, they were not “hoax” devices. Then Jeff Sessions stepped to the stage.

Sessions was asked about Cesar Sayoc’s motivation for sending the bombs. The answer appears obvious enough, as Sayoc’s van is covered with pro-Trump propaganda and threats against various Democrats, and his social media pages are full of the same. But it’s one thing for all of us to know that, and it’s another thing for the federal government to confirm it. Sure enough, Sessions said that Sayoc “appears to be a partisan.”

This is not at all the narrative that Donald Trump wants out there. But at this point, with Trump having telegraphed so loudly that he plans to fire Jeff Sessions soon if he can get away with it, Sessions had nothing to lose by telling the truth for once today – and he stuck it to Trump in the process.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report