Donald Trump is already trying to make the “MAGA bomber” disappear

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This week we have seen the horrendous development of more than a dozen pipe bomb packages being sent throughout the United States to Democratic individuals, many of whom have been the targets of “President” Donald Trump’s vitriol. And while nobody can lay the terrorist directly at Trump’s feet, his behavior in the last few days continues to be unpresidential, as does the Gang of Phonies who do nothing to check his language and, in many cases, such as Newt Gingrich, add flames to the discourse.

A suspect has been apprehended, his van confiscated full of Trump stickers and bullseye targets on some of the intended recipients. Early on Friday, as Palmer Report reported, Trump tweeted about “this ‘Bomb’ stuff,” ( ) likely after being briefed that a suspect was identified, lamenting about how this terrorist attack was somehow intended to stop Republican momentum at the polls.

At a Youth Black Leadership Summit gathering at the White House, with several #MAGA hats noticeably present (who provided those and paid for them is a question), Trump touted his prescription price initiative after reading from a Teleprompter some words about the terrorist (he did not use that word), but lamented the news was subdued because of the bomb thing, then stated: “Now our law enforcement has done such a good job that maybe it can start to disappear rapidly because we don’t like those stories.”

Trump hoped that the #MAGABomber story would go away quickly so that his accomplishments could be recognized. We have no idea what about the stories he doesn’t like, but the context would suggest that he doesn’t like that real shit overshadows his daily shitshow with the #PoisonousOverseerTreasonousUnsafeShit sad and mad because he lost Twitter followers and because the cameras and press are not devoted to his nonsense. Again, Trump is not directly responsible for the #MAGABomber and we must not condemn him for such behaviors of individuals, but we can lay at his feet that he and his sycophants and assorted ne’er-do-wells have done nothing, said nothing, to stop this poisonous environment.

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