January 6th Committee hits new treasure trove

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In politics, good news is always welcome. And we have just received a luscious great news valentine that comes straight from the January 6 committee itself. The committee is going to be delaying its final hearings. Why? Because they continue to receive new and fresh evidence. The final hearings will be delayed by several weeks. Here is their statement:

“The Select committee continues to receive additional evidence relevant to our investigation. into the violence of January 6 and its causes.”

“Following tomorrow’s hearing, we will be holding additional hearings in the coming weeks.”

“We will announce dates and times for those hearings soon.”

Oh, happy day. This is wonderful news for several reasons. One of those reasons is that the hearings have been ratings gold. The American people are tuned in. It stands to reason the more evidence, the more tuned in they will be.

Second is this new evidence. What could it be? Whatever the evidence is, one can assume it will be bad news for Donald Trump, which is always a good thing.

Third is how angry this will make Republicans who no doubt hoped this would all go away — the sooner, the better. Only that’s not what is happening. Nor will it happen.

The January 6 hearings are the talk of the town — many towns — in red states, blue states, purple states. And opinion polls are showing not only are people tuning in, but more and more people want to see the lord of the lies prosecuted for his sins.

And the hearings have been utterly riveting so far. I imagine they will become more so as we go along. So, here’s some good news. And as the hearings go forward, the one person who remains furiously helpless to change the outcome is Donald J. Trump.

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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