It’s hard to screw up any worse than Donald Trump just screwed up

Whoever is calling the shots in Donald Trump’s 2024 “campaign” – whether it’s a mentally vacant Trump or some handler with zero understanding of politics – the decisions being made are some of the dumbest in modern history. Trump’s strategy now consists of giving speeches in the places he’s hated most, such as the Bronx, and now the Libertarian Convention.

The entire time Trump was giving his speech, libertarians in the audience were booing him and using chants to drown him out. Trump kept getting flustered, and at one point began lashing out at audience members over the fact that Libertarian Party candidates are never competitive. Trump left the stage after what seemed to have been a shortened speech, to a chorus of boos.

This was a disaster for Trump on two levels. First, even if some small fraction of the libertarians at the convention had been planning to vote for Trump, they certainly won’t now that he’s gone on stage and told them off. Second, this debacle will generate national headlines about how Trump got booed off the stage at the Libertarian Convention. So if any self-styled libertarians out there across the nation were open to voting for Trump, they’re less likely to now.

Trump’s 2024 “campaign” is reading like an instruction manual on how to lose as many votes as possible. This doesn’t mean we can afford to get complacent. Presidential elections have a way of being unpredictably close even when they’re not competitive. And at the rate a senile Trump is collapsing in on himself, who knows if he’ll even still be around by November? So let’s keep treating this like it’s going to be a tied election and the work we put in will be the difference. But wow is Trump ever imploding.

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