Donald Trump goes berserk after Jack Smith moves to have him gagged

Donald Trump is falsely suggesting that federal law enforcement agents were sent to murder him while carrying out a search and seizure warrant at Mar-a-Lago. In so doing, Trump is potentially motivating his unhinged supporters to try to harm law enforcement. So Special Counsel Jack Smith is moving for a gag order – technically a modification of the terms of Trump’s release – to keep him from continuing to attack law enforcement.

Suffice it to say that Trump isn’t happy about it. He’s insisting on social media that the gag order is “so that I cannot talk about all of the Crimes [Jack Smith] has committed, including the Illegal, Unconstitutional, and Unwarranted RAID of Mar-a-Lago.” Uh, no. Smith wasn’t even appointed at the time the warrant was carried out.

But Trump continued with his lies: “I guess they’re hoping they can silence me from telling the TRUTH like the Corrupt and Highly Conflicted Judge in New York City has done. Gag Orders have a very strong tendency to BACKFIRE.” Actually, no. Gag orders tend to work quite well, as we saw in the New York trial, where Trump finally shut up and stopped attacking witnesses the minute the judge threatened to put Trump in jail.

Yet Trump continued anyway: “if anybody should be GAGGED, it should be Deranged Jack, who was recently caught doing very bad things.” Notably, Trump didn’t go on to say what “bad things” Smith supposedly got caught doing (hint: there are none).

This all reeks of desperation on the part of Donald Trump (or whoever is writing his social media posts at this point). The more thoroughly Trump is gagged, the easier it is for the criminal justice system to play out fairly – and given that Trump is guilty, fairness is bad news for him.

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